Friday, December 27, 2019

Agile And Software Architecture . Marching Together ..

Agile and Software Architecture Marching Together Sujatha Dantuluri Software Architecture Karsun Solutions LLC Herndon, USA Abstract—Notion of faster to market and changing rapidly to the demands of the market has given a boost to Agile. Agile promotes iterative delivery and design as we go because of which many organizations are having tough time implementing proper architecture and developers are doing architecture as they go into their iterations. Without proper architecture, we will create silos and redundant artifacts and this may lead to lack of scalability, interoperability and performance. Architecture improves software quality and Agile enhances productivity. This paper addresses this issue and finds out a way where we†¦show more content†¦Zachman framework is used to derive the architecture artifacts and Togaf is used to define architecture processes which fit the agile methodology. II. DEFINITIONS A. Agile â€Å"Agile Software Development is an umbrella term for a set of methods and practices based on the values and principles expressed in the Agile Manifesto. Solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams utilizing the appropriate practices for their context† (Agile Alliance, 2015). â€Å"Agile Manifesto defines the importance of †¢ Individuals and interactions over processes and tools †¢ Working software over comprehensive documentation †¢ Customer collaboration over contract negotiation †¢ Responding to change over following a plan† (Agile Alliance, 2015) Scrum, Kanban, XP are some of the methodologies used to develop the software form the Agile.. B. Enterprise Architecture â€Å"An architecture is defined as system fundamental concepts or properties of a system in its environment embodied in its elements, relationships, and in the principles of its design and evolution† (ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010, 2011) It is important to have architecture defined for an organization so that we can produce repeatable quality products and to ensure we meet the scalability, interoperability, security and compliance factors derived from non-functional requirements of the project. As stated by Togaf documentation, Architecture is classified as †¢Show MoreRelatedProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pagesresponses (.2–.1.2) 11.6 Risk register PERT analysis Contingency reserves Change control management G.7 Culture awareness 1.4.4 Project offices 8.1.2 Continuous improvement 5.1 Requirements vs. actual [5.3] Chapter 17 Agile PM Rolling wave This page intentionally left blank Project Management The Managerial Process The McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series Operations and Decision Sciences OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Beckman and Rosenfield, Operations, Strategy:Read MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesdiscussion and not as an illustration of either good or bad management practice. They are not intended to be a comprehensive collection of teaching material. They have been chosen (or speciï ¬ cally written) to provide readers with a core of cases which, together, cover most of the main issues in the text. As such, they should provide a useful backbone to a programme of study but could sensibly be supplemented by other material. We have provided a mixture of longer and shorter cases to increase the ï ¬â€šexibility

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Analysis Of Silko s Yellow Woman And Walker s Everyday Use

Heritage Have you ever been at Christmas dinner and you were so interested and intrigued by your grandmother s story that you wish you could place yourself in her shoes right then and there? Well these two stories that I am going to analyze will do just that. I will prove that Silko’s Yellow Woman and Walker’s Everyday Use are inherently drawn to traditions of the past. First, I will show how identity is a common factor in both stories and plays such a large role in connecting the main characters and their past traditions. Second, I will illustrate how both stories are linked to symbolism, which will give proof to my claim that they are inherently drawn to their past traditions. Finally, I will show that the use of irony plays a part in†¦show more content†¦An interesting note which I will bring up later to give proof to my claim, is that when Walker was 8 years old, she was shot in the eye with a BB gun. After the incident, she became very self-conscience and felt like she did not fit in with the world around her. This helped her find her calling in writing. As I noted in my thesis, I believe identity plays a very significant role in both of these short stories. Specifically, I believe identity is the primary theme which inherently draws the characters in these stories to traditions of their past. In Silko’s Yellow Woman, identity was the main internal conflict for the â€Å"yellow woman.† From the story we know that the yellow woman was a daughter, mother, and a wife. In addition, we see that the yellow woman makes references to the stories that her grandfather used to tell her. This clearly illustrates that her heritage, culture, and family play a huge role in her life. For example: â€Å"My old grandpa liked to tell those stories best. There is one about Badger and Coyote who went hunting and were gone all day, and when the sun was going down they found a house. There was a girl living there alone and she had light hair and eyes and she told them they could sleep with her. Coyote wanted to be with her all night so he sent Badger into a prairie-dog hole, telling him he thought he seen something in it. As soon as Badger crawled in, Coyote blocked

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Latin America Essay Example For Students

Latin America Essay In attempting to establish the current state of development in Latin America,historical chronology serves as the foundation necessary for a comprehensivelylogical position. Latin American development has evolved in distinct phases,which lead to the present day standings of the politics and peoples throughoutthe region. The culmination of distinct historical attributes: conquest,colonialism, mercantilism, captalism, industrialism, and globalism, serve as thedevelopmental path from the past, to allow an understanding of the current stateof development. In overview of this, as perceived by Latin American governments,the four primary areas of concern as reported from the 1994, Summit of theAmericas held by heads of 34 countries, were as follows: (1) preserving andstrengthening the community of democracies of the Americas, (2) free trade areaof the Americas (FTAA), (3) eradicating poverty and discrimination in thehemisphere, (4) education (Americas Net). Each issue examined by members of thesummit involves aspects of politics and economics. The desired changes in LatinAmerican society can be shown connected to these two subject areas, as held byauthors Skidmore and Smith, From modernization theory we take the casualpremise that economic transformations induce social changes which, in turn, havepolitical consequences.(Skidmore and Smith, 10) The understanding ofhistorical background, an awareness of current political goals, and theincorporation of modern political and social theory allow an increasinglyaccurate depiction of the state of development in Latin America to beconstructed. Development, largely defined as bringing to a more advanced oreffective state, stands often as the product of the successful management andcollaboration of economic, social, and political areas. The current state ofdevelopment should therefore gauge todays level of success in creating a moreadvanced and effective state. In considering these criteria, development inLatin America may best b e described as progressively transitional, continuallyimproving, yet still lacking stability and permanence in structure. Thisapparent lack is causing disfunctionalism of governmental bodies to besuccessfully consistent in altering the povertized sectors of society. Theultimate pattern perpetuates the social stratifications of Latin America, whichonly continue to erode the workings of development at large. To break such acycle, successful structural functionalism under governments of stability andpermanence must be achieved. Economics: Economics holds key importance in anarray of political and social workings in all areas of the world. The factormaking this sector a central component in successful development is thateconomics often serves as the catalyst between developmental areas. Even inbasic terms as proposed in the modernization theory employed by authors Skidmoreand Smith, economics alters the society, and this in turn will play a crucialfactor in political outcomes, Latin Ame rica has occupied an essentiallysubordinate or dependent position, pursuing economic paths that have beenlargely shaped by the industrial powers of Europe and the United States. Theseeconomic developments have brought about transitions in the social order andclass structure, and these changes in turn have crucially affected politicalchange.(Skidmore and Smith, 42) Keeping this in mind, one applies thisbackground knowledge to the region of Latin America. Historically, the marketsand economies of Latin America have functioned with near absolute dependence onthe needs and conditions of foreign markets. Largely, this economic relationshipis referred to as dependency theory. This dependence was instilled from theincipient colonization efforts of Spain and Portugal, which operated on themonarchial duty of mercantilism; all efforts were done in honor of the mothercountry alone. With the fall of colonialism and the onset of independentgovernment, two major transitions occurred. First, the n ewly independentgovernments advanced peoples of European blood and descent into the majority ofpolitical positions and a new upper class was established, Given these neweconomic incentives, landowners and property owners were no longer content torun subsistence operations on their haciendas; instead they sought opportunitiesand maximized profits (S+S, 45); this would later affect economics, politicsand society as a whole. Second, entry into a development period attempting a newmodel of growth, focused primarily upon the creation and balance of imports andexports. The outcomes of this period varied for different countries of LatinAmerica, mainly dependent upon the resources found inside their borders and thedesire of the outside world to invest within. Investment served as both thepromise and poison of this period. With the Industrial Revolution alteringproduction priorities around the world, less developed areas were sought to actas a production center of natural and raw materials, Between 1870 and 1913the value of Britains investments in Latin America went from 85 millionpounds sterling to 757 million pounds in 1913 an increase of almost ninefoldin four decades. (S+S, 43) The importance of this transition is found in thefact that investment in Latin America was made only to develop industry, whichproduced raw materials necessary to fuel the industrial revolution in Europe andthe United States. The next phase of economic development was spurred primarilyby the Great Depression, and two World Wars. What both of these eventsdemonstrated was that if Latin America continued economic dependence to such anextreme upon foreign markets then internal unrest would be felt by everyexternal, international unrest. For young markets and weak governments, such anoutlook could not be considered. Thus, a major economic trend developed underthe encompassing title of primary product import substitution, which inresponse to these realizations encouraged the creation and promotion of nationalindustry. To redirect market sectors toward the production of finished products,not merely raw materials, as previously produced, By producing industrial aswell as agricultural and mineral goods, the Latin American economies wouldbecome more integrated and self-sufficient. And, as a result, they would be lessvulnerable to the kinds of shocks brought on by the worldwide depression. (S+S,53) The final phase, following generalized periods of success and growth lead tothe inevitable realization that the world market was becoming exponentiallyimbalanced. Impracticalities in the idea of Latin America becoming a worldtrading partner of finished goods soon showed themselves as unemployment beganto rise from less demand on manual labor and wages failed to rise with prices onthe world market of more highly industrialized countries. Beyond wages howeverwas the more important loss of purchasing power from their goods, Over time,the world market prices of Latin Americas principal exp orts underwent asteady decline in purchasing power. (S+S, 56) For the same amount of productsused in the past, less capital goods were being purchased. This marked the pointof entry for many countries into failing economies and debt. Governments, indesperation, were at a point of decision, and the new answer came in the formof, debt-lead growth and corporatism. Simultaneously, there was an internationaltrend of opening markets to practices of free trade. As governmentsde-nationalized industry and took on increased loans from the IMF and WorldBank, inflation ensued throughout the economy, Between 1970 and 1980 LatinAmerica increased its external debt from $27 billion to $231 billion, withannual debt-service payments (interest plus amortization) of $18 billion. (S+S,58) In exchange for debt relief, the IMF imposed restrictions on Latin Americaneconomies, which were largely termed as structural adjustments. Thesepractices were being followed at first, yet the initial periods of time pr ovedto burden primarily the lower classes and by-pass the elites, whose prosperitywas secured outside of the countrys direct economy. The long-term result ofeconomic reform has been the lowering of inflation, Excluding Brazil, averageinflation throughout the region dropped from 130 percent in 1989 to 14 percentin 1994. (S+S, 60) Brazil Brazil did not heed the advice of the IMF and didnot choose to undergo the stringent economic reforms of the 1970s and 80s. Although the generalized trend was a lowering of deflation in the 1990s,Brazil fell short from that scenario and inflation soared. As reported bySkidmore and Smith, the rate of inflation found in 1993 was 2490 percentannually. In that same year a new finance minister was named, Fernando Cardoso,with his title came a $122 billion foreign debt. (My Brazil) In 1994, a newanti-inflation program was developed and this began to show results. Entitled,the Real Plan, its stringent economic reforms lead to improvements,consumer prices increased by 2% in 1998 compared to more than 1,000% in1994.(CIA World Fact Book) After initial improvements, Brazil became a victimof the 1998 world economic crisis, which began in Asia, spread to Russia andfrom there hit Brazil. Due to these pressures placed on the Brazilian currency,interest rates were hiked 50%, and according to the CIA, investment fled thecountry, Approximately $30 billion in capital left the country in August andSeptember.(CIA World Fact B ook) After receiving $41.5 billion in relief fromthe IMF, Brazil entered a new phase of economic reform to incorporate both adevaluation of the currency and a free floating exchange rate, On 13 January1999, Central Bank officials announced a one-time 8% devaluation of the real,and on 15 January 1999, the currency was declared to be freely floating. Theimmediate results from this are unable to be realized at such an early stage,yet companies are leaving neighboring nations and heading for Brazil due to theBrazilian devaluation, as reported in a recent Business Week article, The 35% slide of the Brazilian real against the Argentine peso is luring onemanufacturer after another north to Brazil.(Business Week)The currentgovernment under Cardoso can only speculate the outcome for now. Cuba Cuba hasserved as a classic example of the problems and downfalls of a dependent marketsystem. The main commodity produced worldwide by Cuba is sugar, and being aprimary product, the price fluctuates in ternationally. Beyond traditionalfactors that play into the economy of Cuba, one had remained fairly consistentover the last two decades until 1992, when the collapse of the Soviet Unionended any allied funding toward Cuba, By 1992 all Russian Economic andmilitary aid was gone. Oil shipments fell 86 percent from 1989 to 1992, whilefood imports dropped 42 percent in almost the same period. (S+S, 291). And,as reported by the CIA, Havana announced in 1995 that GDP declined by 35%during 1989-93, the result of lost Soviet aid and domestic inefficiencies. Julius Ceaser: Brutus Character Analysis Essay(Elections in Argentina) Chile Chile mirrors the haunting past of Argentina, asformer criminal acts are now on the forefront of the modern political agenda. Only since the nineties has Chile consistently begun to follow democraticprocedure. This procedure has of course, included investigations of past humanrights abuses. The source of the conflict has most often come down to a singleman, Pinochet. The role of the military in the Chilean government is stillheavily felt in many sectors of government, most notably the judiciary; thus thestruggle continues to design democracy amidst military tradition, precedence,and pressure. These pressures overall are beast summed up by Skidmore and Smith,Chiles newly restored democracy also faced formidable obstacle: anever-alert army still headed by an unrepentant Pinochet, a pro-militaryjudiciary, a rightist-dominated Senate, sporadic terrorism from left and right,and the explosive issue of what to do about past human rights abuses withits potential to ignite civilian-military conflict.(S+S,145) The presidentialelection of 1993 brought victory to Eduardo Frei, the son of a former ChileanPresident. The economic security and growth felt throughout the Chilean economyduring the nineties was a stabilizing effect upon government as well. Theelections held in December and Jamuary of this year introduced candidate Escobarto the presidency (Elections in Chile). Escobar ran on a platform to decreasegovernmental intervention in economics and increase focus and spending on publicworks. This marks a notable transition from past military rigidness faced bybusinesses and industry. Poverty: Stemming from the dependencia theory,the source of poverty throughout Latin America might possibly be postulated inany number of manners. The fact remains that at some point a world based totallyon agrarian and manual labor, was altered by the industrial revolution. LatinAmerica was certainly chosen to be the warehouse of supplies and materials, notthe boutique boasting finished products. Once an economic cycle begins, itbecomes difficult to alter; many years later, international powers havefaithfully held t he same positions, including Latin America. The fate of thirdworld is largely determined by a lack of economic opportunity, which many mightcontend is ultimately inaccessible due to a lack of education. Mexico With apopulation of 85 million people, Mexico boasts one of the largest citizenries,yet also one of the lower standards of living.(S+S, 4) Together, high numbers ofpeople, with low standards of living, has made Mexico a country plagued withpoverty, and with that, higher rates of crime. The mid nineties brought furthereconomic crisis to Mexico as NAFTA had unpredictable effects on the Mexicaneconomy, Fearful of the overvaluation of the peso, investors withdrew morethan $10 billion from Mexico within a week. (S+S, 261) This of course led theUS to create an emergency aid package, necessary to prevent default on Mexicandebts. The ultimate concern has and continues to be the direct connectionbetween market conditions and the welfare of people at large, which only showsgrim results for now, Between 1963 and 1981, according to one study, theproportion of Mexicans below the poverty line dropped from 77.5 to 48.5 percent;but from 1982 to 1992, under the pro-market reforms, it rose again to 66percent. (S+S, 262) Haiti Considered to be the poorest country in the Westernhemisphere, Haiti serves as the ultimate of lowered living standards, With apopulation of about 6.7 million, Haiti has a per capita income of approximately$370. (S+S, 301) Originally colonized by the French, Haitian slave labor fromAfrica eventually took over government. Following a political history ofviolence and rebellion, Haiti still remains on the outer edges of politicalstability. Aid amounts given to Haiti are high, yet the actual dispersion ofthese funds is halted often if the government shows signs of internal fracturingor corruption. Here is a list of aid currently being given to Haiti: UnitedStates $458 million European Union $467 million Canada $133 million France $121million Germany $76 million Japan $28 million Switzerland $20 million Holland$12 million Other $140 million Multilateral Inter-American Dev. Bank $761million World Bank (International Dev. Association) $377 million InternationalMonetary Fund $131 million U.N. Dev. Program $38 million Other U.N. $50 million$2.8 billion (Center for International Policy) Education: Education is able tobe shown in direct correlation to ones standard of living and thus, thisbecomes a central issue on both the political and social agendas of LatinAmerica. The low budgets of Latin American governments often leave public works,including education, on the bottom rung of priorities. Money is needed toattempt to solve problems caused ultimately by a lack of education, instead ofbeing spent on education itself, thus this creates a problem of a selfperpetuating nature. Only in the twentieth century has this cycle of poverty anddependence been actively pursued by increasing the quality and standards ofeducation, and political activi sm has been a central mode through which suchchanges might be made. Peru Peru is highlighted under education to understandthe multi-facted uses of education in Latin America. Far from traditionaleducational institutions, agrarian education as well as environmental educationhas a far more valuable impact in these countries. Perumujer is an NGO,which spreads literacy throughout farming regions, yet more importantly, addscomponents of conservancy and ecological education which not only allow thePeruvians to farm more efficiently, yet bring higher yields of food usingsmaller land area. Many of the storms throughout Latin America cause mudslides,which kill thousands each year; most often this is due to barren hillsides,which have been inappropriately farmed. Education in many countries focuses onapplicable and pertinent living skills and this can make an impact withunlimited benefits. Costa Rica This island country is one general exception tothe trends of education in Latin America and t hus is used as an example ofpossible success in the educational sector. Over the last ten years, Costa Ricahas boasted a 93% literacy rating, far above the averages held by many tropicalneighbors.(Info Costa This exists as the most literate population inCentral America. In 1869 the Costa Rican government, having generated large sumsof wealth from the coffee industry made education mandatory and free. Thenhaving one the lower literacy rates, one in ten could read and write; Costa Ricasets an uplifting trend that has developed over time. Not having a universityuntil 1940, Costa Rica now proudly has four such places of study and continuesto devote more money toward education annually. Students, under PresidentFigueres, are now required to take English, tying Costa Rica more closely intothe new economy and increasing success for tourism. (Info Costa In ananalysis of the structures in place in the areas of economics, politics, povertyreduction, and education, one sees that the state of development in LatinAmerica is not neglected for sure-sighted tactics are consistently beingemployed. The point of interest is that within all of these categories, mostpolitical stability has not fully developed until the onset of the final decadeof the twentieth century. Development in Latin America is a priority andexamples of successes are amply available, even in the midst of setbacks. Insummation, the development of Latin America is progressively transitional. Withtime, continued effort, and constant pursuit of democratic principles, thedevelopment of Latin America will succeed. BibliographyElections in Argentina by Wilfried Dirksen, 2000 Brazil by Sergio Koreisha, 1997 World Fact Book: Brazil, 2000 World Fact Book: Cuba, 2000 Week (International Edition), January 17, 2000 Adios, Argentina Companies are Leaving for Brazil. Elections in Chile by Wilfried Dirksen,2000 Center forInternational Policy; Haiti: Democrats vs. Democracy by Robert E. White Mujer: Peruvian Literacy project Costa Overview, Education

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Leukemia Essays (2428 words) - Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Leukemia, RTT

Leukemia According to the Cancer Book from the American Cancer Society, Leukemia is a cancer of the blood. It was first identified as a new disease in around 1830 in Germany. The scientific term, leukemia, comes from the Greek words that mean white blood. The disease is described as a cancerous disorder not just of the blood itself, but also of the organs that produce the blood cells in the body. The organs are mainly the bone marrow and the lymph system, where normal red and white cells, lymph cells, and platelets grow before entering the bloodstream. Normal cells usually go through the same process but with differences in rate, number, and function ability. With the disease, the bone marrow will not be able to produce the sufficient levels of red blood cells and platelets, while the white blood cells will produce so rapidly that the cells will not become mature enough to fight off infections. As the disease progresses, the whole blood system will become useless due to the vast amount of imm ature cells produced. If a person with the disease is not treated, there will be excessive bleeding and infections until the body reaches the point where it becomes defenseless. The body will make minor injury or infection very serious. Leukemia itself does not always kill people. Instead, people die from infections such as small virus or bacteria because there are not enough normal white blood cells in the body. Also, people could die form internal bleeding, which could have been prevented by the platelets. Leukemia appears more commonly in adults then children. A survey in 1989 stated that approximately 25,000 new cases of the disease are diagnosed annually in the United States, 22,500 of them are adults and only 2,500 are children. It also shows that men are affected by leukemia 30 percent more frequently than women. Ten years ago, about 17,000 people die from the disease each year. Many of the advanced industrial nations have increased the study of leukemia since the 1930s. In the Personal Health Report, the information stated that there are two major types are leukemia: Lymphocytic leukemia which involves lymphoid committed cells which form and mature in the lymphatic system, and granulocytic leukemia which affects myeloid committed cells which form and mature in the bone marrow (355). Each of the two types can occur in either acute or chronic form. Acute form usually affects young cells that are still in the process of growing; they can divide very quickly and may speed the progress of the disease. The chronic form involves the mature cells that reproduce in a low rate or the ones that have stopped dividing. According to the Home Medical Guide, acute lymphocytic leukemia is most commonly seen in children between the age of two and nine. In this type of leukemia, males are affected more frequently than females. Before treatment was available, the average survival rate is only 5 to 6 months. As treatment developed, more then 95 percent of all children are putted into complete remission. Both adult and childhood disease can be cured in around four years, and the therapy can be discontinued. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is the most common form of cancer found in the industrialized countries. Like acute lymphocytic, it occurs more frequently in males then in females. The patients that are affected by chronic lymphocytic leukemia are usually older then any other patients with different types of leukemia. The cause of this specific type of disease is still unknown: Strong evidence points to problems of function and control in the immune system diagnosis is very often discovered by accident in the course of routine blood testing for other medical reasons, since fully 25 to 30 percent of newly diagnosed patients have no symptoms?the degree of bone marrow infiltration by small lymphocytes is a much more accurate sign of degree of disease. (452) According to the Home Medical Guide, acute granulocytic leukemia usually occur in older ages: The typical patient is thirty to sixty years old, the frequency of the disease increasing with age. The natural course of untreated this disease leads to an average survival of only two to five months (451). With chemotherapy, the survival rate can be lengthened to